Monday, October 15, 2007

Back at home

I was on a women's retreat this weekend. I was kind of dreading the whole thing, as I was not looking forward to leaving my kids and Peter. On the way there, I ran out of gas, on the freeway, in the dark. My sister in law was with me, and she was supposed to do night prayers that night, which was getting closer and closer to not happening, as we sat there waiting for someone to come bring us fuel. It took awhile, but she is great company, and so we were able to laugh and keep things light and under control. We did, in fact, even get there in time for her to do the night prayers. But once I got to my room, I started feeling so bad. I was already very tired, I had not wanted to be there in the first place, I was feeling rather embarrassed about making such a silly mistake, and when I called to let Peter know we had gotten there safely, Dominic got on the phone and asked me to come home! Not a great combination of events for a tired, pregnant mama, who is missing her babies.
Well, as it turned out, the retreat was a very good thing! God called to me, and I responded! I knew, on some level, that taking this retreat would be an excellent thing for me, and for the kids, who got to spend a fun filled weekend with their amazing papa! As a wife, mother, and human being, I have alot of growing to do, and the most important thing I can do for myself and my family is to grow towards God and allow Him to mold me into the wife and mother that He has called me to be.

1 comment:

Alexis said...

Hi Jen - I'm glad that you were on the retreat, even though we ended up not seeing much of each other
I'm glad that it was good for you, it was a nice break, that's for sure!