Monday, August 6, 2007

Potty training

We have recently introduced Dominic to the idea of potty training. He is very motivated, because he receives treats, every time he successfully goes potty in the toilet! We have actually decided to tone down the treat thing, as he was totally getting into it and consequently, becoming eligible for like 4 or 5 treats a day! We set up a potty points system, where he needs to receive 3 stars/stickers, in order to get a treat. It is working quite well, and he is very happy with this. We are not pushing him to be potty trained right now. We are just slowly getting him used to the idea. He is only two and a half, so I figure that we can take our time with it, and not stress him or ourselves out! It is pretty funny how excited he is about potty treats! He will often remember to tell anyone who has just gone to the bathroom: "You can get a potty treat now!" with a huge smile on his face.

1 comment:

Kate said...

We gave up on treats for using the potty when I realized Gui had learned to pee on demand (force out a few drops anyway). Now he gets a treat whenever he goes a whole morning or afternoon without wetting or soiling his underpants. After all, that's *my* real goal to all this. ;-)