Monday, April 30, 2007


I have heard it said before, from other, much wiser, much more experienced mothers, that when your children are around the age of 2, most of the so-called discipline, will seem to have hardly any effect. The important thing, for us parents of young 2 year old children to keep in mind, is to be persevering, persistent, and consistent. Eventually, the words, behaviors, and actions we try to teach and model for our kids will begin to take root in them. The reason I reflect on this is because my son Dominic is just over two now (26 months). There are definitely days that I wonder if I am making any progress in the discipline department! I want the best for my children because I love them, and I believe that in loving them , I am called to teach them how to lead moral, God-centered lives. This is all a part of discipline, which is all a part of parenting, I believe. It is a scary thing to think, though, as I am still working out my own major quirks! Thankfully, God is the ultimate teacher and protector, and it seems that He takes up, where I fall short. I believe that one of the greatest things that I can do for my children, is to teach them about God, and by my example, show them how He wants us to live, and love. Simple in thought, but not so much in action! It is so humbling to think that God made me the mother of two of His most precious possessions. It is such an enormous and important responsibility, and the most precious gift I could ever imagine.

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